Governor loosens Covid-19 restrictions

Life in Iowa is moving closer to “normal” with the lifting of many restrictions put in place by Gov Kim Reynolds in response to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Reynolds on Wednesday extended the public health emergency declaration to June 25, but effective Friday morning, businesses that had been allowed to open at 50 percent capacity can return to operating at full capacity. The cap on the number of people who can gather also ends Friday. That includes restaurants, bars, casinos, movie theatres, libraries, museums, bowling alleys, swimming pools and more.

Parades, festivals, sporting gatherings, conventions, farmers markets and auctions can be held as well, with social distancing and hand hygiene in place. The cap on attendance at spiritual and religious gatherings is also lifted, with reasonable measures to reduce the risk of transmission of Covid-19.

One exception is play areas in a common area of a mall; they must remain closed.

According to Reynolds, that will allow businesses to adjust their specific operations to best meet the health safety needs of their employees. The expectation that businesses use 6-foot social distancing guidelines remains in place. Businesses “shall implement reasonable measures to ensure social distancing, increase hygiene practices, and other public health measures to reduce the risk of transmission of Covid-19 consistent with the guidance provided by the Iowa Department of Public Health,” Reynolds stated.

Reynolds said at her daily press briefing the easing is possible because the number of Covid-19 cases in Iowa “continues to trend in the right direction.” She is confident the state will be able to identify any new outbreaks quickly and act to mitigate them, and that the state has a large enough supply of personal protective equipment to handle future cases.

“It remains just as important now as it was three months ago that every Iowan continue to do their part to protect their health and the health of others, especially those who are most vulnerable,” Reynolds said.

Section One of her June 10 proclamation “strongly” encourages all vulnerable Iowans, including those with underlying medical conditions and those older than 65, in all counties of the state, to continue to limit activities outside of their home, including visits to businesses and other establishments, and their participation in gatherings of any size and any purpose.

As of June 10, there have been 22,626 cases of Covid-19 in Iowa; 13,776 persons are considered recovered. There have been 631 deaths.

Greene County has had 15 cases; 14 of those persons are considered recovered. There have been no deaths due to Covid-19 in the county.

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